
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >정보통신공학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 2학기
  • 조회수
Status of Wireless Communications
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Status of Wireless Communications Introduce the past, current, and future wireless communications systems and standards URL
비디오 Status of Wireless Communications Introduce the past, current, and future wireless communications systems and standards URL
2. 비디오 Wireless Channel Models I Wireless channel models, Maximal doppler shift URL
비디오 Wireless Channel Models I Wireless channel models, Maximal doppler shift URL
비디오 Wireless Channel Models I Wireless channel models, Maximal doppler shift URL
비디오 Wireless Channel Models I Wireless channel models, Maximal doppler shift URL
비디오 Wireless Channel Models I Wireless channel models, Maximal doppler shift URL
3. 비디오 Wireless Channel Models II Rayleigh fading, multi-paths, shadowing URL
비디오 Wireless Channel Models II Rayleigh fading, multi-paths, shadowing URL
4. 비디오 ISI Channels I Eye diagram, intersymbol interferences, pulse shaping, matched filtering URL
비디오 ISI Channels I Eye diagram, intersymbol interferences, pulse shaping, matched filtering URL
비디오 ISI Channels I Eye diagram, intersymbol interferences, pulse shaping, matched filtering URL
비디오 ISI Channels I Eye diagram, intersymbol interferences, pulse shaping, matched filtering URL
5. 비디오 ISI Channels II Zero-forcing equalizer, MMSE equalizer URL
비디오 ISI Channels II Zero-forcing equalizer, MMSE equalizer URL
비디오 ISI Channels II Zero-forcing equalizer, MMSE equalizer URL
비디오 ISI Channels II Zero-forcing equalizer, MMSE equalizer URL
6. 비디오 ISI Channels III Decision feedback equalier (DFE), TH precoding URL
비디오 ISI Channels III Decision feedback equalier (DFE), TH precoding URL
7. 비디오 OFDM Systems OFDM, ISI-free, multicarrier, WiMAX, LTE, WiFi URL
비디오 OFDM Systems OFDM, ISI-free, multicarrier, WiMAX, LTE, WiFi URL
비디오 OFDM Systems OFDM, ISI-free, multicarrier, WiMAX, LTE, WiFi URL
8. 비디오 Vector OFDM Systems Vector OFDM systems, vectroized ISI channels URL
비디오 Vector OFDM Systems Vector OFDM systems, vectroized ISI channels URL
비디오 Vector OFDM Systems Vector OFDM systems, vectroized ISI channels URL
9. 비디오 CDMA Systems I TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, spread spectrum, Frequency hopping, direct sequence URL
비디오 CDMA Systems I TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, spread spectrum, Frequency hopping, direct sequence URL
비디오 CDMA Systems I TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, spread spectrum, Frequency hopping, direct sequence URL
10. 비디오 CDMA Systems II pesudo random noise codes, m-sequence, RAKE receiver URL

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