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글로벌 인재포럼 2006: 글로벌 인재 풀 형성 - 비즈니스 관점

  • 글로벌 인재포럼
  • Bertel Haarder, Minister, Danish Ministry of Education, Denmark,John J.Haley,President&CEO, Watson Wyatt, USA,Kunihiko Sawa, Former CEO, Fuji Electronics, Japan,Peter Plympton Smith, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 등록일자
  • 조회수
The upgrading of the quality of human resources is the most crucial element in a global enterprise. Human resources can be defined as the contribution of people (their knowledge, skills, and attitude) in the production of goods and services. In the emerging knowledge economy, value is increasingly driven by human resources. The competitiveness of enterprises and countries are no longer strictly tied to physical assets or resources, but to the intellectual attributes of their knowledge workers.

Globally competitive enterprises make efforts to develop the competency of their human resources in order to effectively execute business strategies and realize the core values of their activities. Recent data indicates that for Standard and Poors 500 companies, only $1 for every $6 of "market to book" value represents financial or physical assets. The balance, of course, is intangible assets and among them, the key is human resources and the markets perception of human resources.

Leading enterprises are coming up with new management strategies to cope with the changing business environment: (1) cultivating high quality human resources; (2) developing future growth engine; (3) securing technological edge; (4) adhering to corporate responsibility; and (5) acquiring high efficiency and low cost. This session will help participants understand the human resources strategies of leading global enterprises.

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