
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >정밀ㆍ에너지 >원자력공학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 1학기
  • 조회수
This graduate course teaches students the key aspects of the vitrification of radioactive wastes.
Wasteglass formulation
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

2. 비디오 Wasteglass formulation Learning the key sets of requirements that waste glass; Waste glass contains waste plus glass-forming and modifying additives that are selected in proprtions to satisfy the waste glass requirements. URL
3. 비디오 Viscosity and Electrical Conductivity Effect of temperature and glass composition; measurement methods URL
5. 비디오 Glass crystallization and liquidus temperature I learning crystallization and nucleation, phase equilibria, spinel, solid solutions, relationship between liquidus temperature and solubility URL
6. 비디오 Glass crystallization and liquidus temperature II learning crystallization and nucleation, phase equilibria, spinel, solid solutions, relationship between liquidus temperature and solubility URL
7. 비디오 Glass dissolution I Examining both of the congruent and incongruent glass dissolutions; water-glass reactions and glass durability URL
8. 비디오 Glass dissolution II student presentation; reviewing and studying details on the glass dissolution URL
10. 비디오 Students presentation on TGA introduction, DSC / Waste glass processing Explaining the functions of TGA and effects of it, measurement; Presenting DSC system and its operation / Glass forumlation URL
12. 비디오 Melter feed II Review on melter feed; studying heat transfer aspect of the melter feed URL
14. 비디오 Experimental Methods Studying thermal analysis: TGA and DCS, evolved gas analysis, X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, electron microscopy URL
16. 비디오 Volatilization Effects of diffusion and convection of gas and in melt (buoyancy-driven and surface-tension-driven) URL
17. 비디오 Redox Equilibria Effects of temperature, melt basicity, and fining agents; generation and removal of gas bubbles URL
18. 비디오 Settling of solids Growth and dissolution (Avrami and Hixson-Crowell equations), Stokes and Levich equations URL
20. 비디오 Final exam preparation; Study of the Float Glass Melting Process: Combining Fluid Dynamics Simulation and Glass Homogeneity Inspection Explaining the rules of the final exam; Studying a research experiment from a journal article URL

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